It’s a very exciting time of year — fall. Leaves burst colors so beautiful and bright as they get ready to fly off the branches as the trees prepare for winter.
We, too, can use this season of change as a time to transform to our healthiest self. In fact, right now – several lucky women who said YES to themselves are participating in the fall Vibrant Woman Program.
I get so excited because I know the outcome of this program; a healthier version of each person who participates. Life takes on a new energetic, positive and fun meaning and reality.
This unique — one of a kind program that combines the right nutrition, movement and mindfulness to create calm and energy in the mind and body –is open now for a few more people to begin this winter!
Yes, registration is open for The Vibrant Woman Program – Winter!
If you are someone who has tried everything to lose weight, eat right, exercise and feel more calm — then this is for you.
The Vibrant Woman Program helps women 50 + reclaim their vitality and strength by creating their optimal weight through weekly modules and one-on-one private coaching sessions. This unique scientifically based program combines mind + body fitness – to create healthiest self and help reduce the risks of chronic illnesses — like cancer.
A big part of this program helps you make small changes to your daily routine when it comes to what you put IN and ON your body. You’ll get the help you need by adding one good habit at a time to create sustainable wellness.
You’ll have access to effective tools and insights from psychology and behavioral science from my recent work with the Habit Professionals. With life being the sum of habits – you’ll build strong habits to transform your life from tired, stressed and feeling unhealthy to energized, calm and empowered.
There is no program like this!
Life is too short for us not to feel and live our best self.
And best of all, now you too can join me in this 12 week program.
I only have a few spots for this Winter so if you think this is for you or someone you love, let’s talk.
Reply to this email for all the details.
You can lose weight (and keep it off!), create peace in your mind, and transform your life.
Lots of love,
xo, Christine