Another great week for FITFORLIFE, where we continued to hone our mind & body strength thru gentle yoga, resistance band training and meditation. We practiced the correct way to access our “neutral spine” so that when we exercise and go about our daily activities we do so with a strong posture that sets us up for strength.
We also spent this week focussing on self compassion.
What exactly is “self compassion”. When you think of how you are kind to your loved ones — think of that kindness towards yourself — that is self compassion. Say you make a mistake — eat too much “sometime/in moderation” food or…. How do you self talk to yourself? What are your thoughts going on inside your mind? Are you saying kind words or is there a self-critic taking over?
The first step with self compassion is to notice — how do you talk to yourself and what are your thoughts– before taking action. Without this awareness — we can do things (eat to much moderate or “never” foods) and/or treat our bodies with harshness instead of the gentle nourishment they need. When we practice self compassion, we act kind and more loving to ourselves — and thus — the world around us.
We all possess flaws. We all make mistakes. No one is perfect. How we coach ourselves when things don’t go our way or we mess up is key to self compassion.
One of the stories I love that demonstrates the need to love and celebrate our imperfection is the “Cracked Pot”. When we recognize our “cracks” with love and kindness — we realize that it’s often these character traits that bring about beauty and positive change to ourselves and the world. Yet — we need self compassion to turn our cracks to beauty. Check out the story here: Cracked Pot
Another series of FITFORLIFE is happening @ Neshama Studio in November! The 1 hour class will happen on Wednesdays 11/7, 11/14 and 11/28. Time TBD (let me know if you prefer 10-11am and/OR 12-1pm).
In this 3 week series, we will continue our mind/body fitness with the added practice of gratitude. Giving yourself more gratitude is a game changer to living a healthier and more joyful life — no matter what your circumstances are. Come join us! Sign up here: Contact Christine