Rise & Shine Tea
1 cup to 1 1 /2 cups hot water (add ice to warm)
1 TBS Honey
1/2 tsp grated or chopped ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/4 – 1/2 lemon wedge squeezed
Bring water to a boil. Add all ingredients and stir. Add ice to bring water to a warm temperature. ENJOY.
FROM: Reset your Metabolism.
Thank you for sharing ! I am going to start this new recipe!
I can’t wait to hear what you think!
I’ve been doing hot lemon water for several years now. Sometimes I add mint and ginger. I’ve never added fresh turmeric but sometimes I’ve put turmeric ginger tea with it. What does the cinnamon do in this combination? Thanks for posting the recipe.
Cinnamon has lots of health benefits besides adding flavor to the tea. Since this is a digestive tea — I’ll address how the cinnamon helps weight control. Cinnamon has bycinnamaldehyde, a chemical compound that gives cinnamon its flavor, and has show to possibly potentially help fat cells burn energy. It also can provide anti-inflammation and some studies show it can be a powerful weapon in preventing or treating cancer as well as diabetes. But, let you body tell you. When you drink it — do you feel better, more calm with easier digestion (specifically good poops!), less bloat?
And, warm lemon or lime water is great for our liver ESP after waking up! On another note — Cathy — I am adding a Thursday Strength and Flexibility Class at the Wilmette Rec center 12-1pm starting December 9th. 🙂
Also — the warm lemon or lime water is great for our liver ESP after waking up in the am
Cinnamon has lots of health benefits besides adding flavor to the tea. Since this is a digestive tea — I’ll address how the cinnamon helps weight control. Cinnamon has bycinnamaldehyde, a chemical compound that gives cinnamon its flavor, and has show to possibly potentially help fat cells burn energy. It also can provide anti-inflammation and some studies show it can be a powerful weapon in preventing or treating cancer as well as diabetes. But, let you body tell you. When you drink it — do you feel better, more calm with easier digestion (specifically good poops!), less bloat? Also warm lemon or lime water is great for our liver after waking up in the AM!